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Low Carb Foods List (Printable) - 136 Foods To Lose Weight Fast

Use my Printable Low Carb Foods List with 136 foods to lose up to 3 pounds (1,3 kg) per week in a healthy way! Get your free copy here and start your low carb diet today:

My low carb meal plan with 35 recipes:


Weight loss can be a challenge. Especially if you don’t know what to eat.

With my low carb foods list at your side, you’ll never have to wonder again.

My list gives you a complete overview of all the foods you’re allowed to eat to lose weight fast on a low carb diet!

How does it work? By simply only eating the foods on my low carb foods list you’ll keep your blood sugar level low.

This has two benefits, you allow your body to burn more stored body fat, and at the same time stimulate it to store less new body fat! It’s a weight loss win-win!

For optimal weight loss results, your daily food intake should consist of these proportions:

✓ 40-60% healthy fats
✓ 20-40% protein
✓ 10-30% carbs

Feel free to use my low carb meal plan, you’ll automatically consume the right proportions to lose weight fast and the dishes are simply delicious.

Check my ultimate guide on how to lose 3 pounds (1,3 kg) per week by eating low carb:

Also check out my:
Weight Loss Plans
Low Carb Foods List (Printable) - 136 Foods To Lose Weight Fast Reviewed by Unknown on July 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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