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A Work at Home Mom's Cellulite Treatments to Get Rid of Cellulite


A Work at Home Mom's Cellulite Treatments to Get Rid of Cellulite

Revealing very dimpled thighs or visible signs of cellulite in skimpy bikini bottoms is perhaps one of the greatest sources of frustration for women around the world. Like most work at home moms, I am also troubled by cellulite problem.

I still remember the embarrassing incident at a swimming pool two months ago. After changing into my newly-bought bathing suit and walking past hubby and some male friends who were sitting by the pool, they started teasing at the obvious rolly hills surrounded my thighs.

Women are the frequent victims of cellulite problems. It is said that about 90% of women suffer from some degree of cellulite, ranging from just noticeable to severe. The most common areas affected by cellulite are the hips, buttocks, thigh, lower stomach and arms. Women who are on birth control pills or those who have just given birth are more susceptible to cellulite problems.

The problem can start when you are as young as 14 years old and as you mature, the affected areas become larger. Cellulite becomes even more abundant the older you get, and it is produced even easier because of the lack of elastin and collagen. As women age they are also more likely to have hormonal imbalances which also aids in the production of cellulite in women.

Having heard how ugly the cottage cheese wrinkles on my thighs did dampen my self-confidence. To get rid of my cellulite, I decided to find out more information on cellulite and various cellulite treatments. There is no sure fire thing that completely eliminates cellulite. But there are ways to reduce the unsightly dimples on my thighs.

1. Cellulite Creams. The ingredients in the cellulite creams get penetrated easily deep into the skin that is affected by cellulite. Once the ingredients reach fatty cells, they accelerate the metabolism within the cell and then dissolve those fatty tissues. Dissolved tissues then get drained into the lymphatic system and then they are excreted out of the body one or the other way.

2. Detoxifying Diet. This is a more natural way of getting rid of the cottage-cheese like appearance on your body. For the duration of the detox diet, add lots of fruit such as apples and grapes, and vegetables into into your diet. Fruits high in anti-oxidants would definitely be helpful.

Foods and drinks that should be avoided include meat, fish, coffee and soft drinks. Avoid sugar and salt as much as possible. If you need flavor, there are herb blends that can be substituted for salt. Cigarette smoking and drinking alcohol should also be avoided as they can help in the build-up of toxins in the body. Fats also contribute in enlargening the size of the cellulites.

3. Anti Cellulite Massages. Massaging helps to reduce the cellulite tissues by increasing the supply of blood to the affected parts of your skin. Once the cellulite affected areas are energized and are warm enough, the fat-tissues and harmful toxic substances start getting dissolved and finally they are drained into the lymphatic system of the body.

4. Water Therapy. It is effective in helping make cellulite become less visible as it washes off toxins in the body as well as removes fats. It also aids in proper digestion and blood circulation.

Like most work at home moms, I want to flush away my stubborn cellulite deposits safely and persistently. I refrain from believing in promises of instant cellulite cures.

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A Work at Home Mom's Cellulite Treatments to Get Rid of Cellulite Reviewed by Unknown on June 26, 2017 Rating: 5

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